Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Do it yourself!

Self-distribution is a tool that is used more often today than ever. Today there are many options for music artist, book writers and composers to self publish and distribute their work. Sites like are great from up and coming book writers who do not have the money or investors to publish their work. A writer can purchase an ISBN-13 and a UPC code through print on demand services. Through this same service writers are able to order copies of their works upon request. These resources have been around for some time but have improved over the years. Since it is hard to get a record deal to have your music distributed as it is finding a publisher to do a deal for your book self-distribution is a great and inexpensive route to take.

 If you promote yourself through the social media outlets and distribute your works through sites like Amazon and ITunes you can make a great amount of money without spending a lot of money. Nowadays, with the new technology available we are able to get more things fasters and easier than before. If you take out time daily to promote your work and gain a little recognition through your promotion (not just Face book and Twitter) you can come in contact with the right people who may mention your work (music, books, composition) in an article or website, that could put you were you need to be and help your work become mainstream.

Many of the print on demand sites, like Lulu and Infinity are very popular and get heavy internet traffic so you will be in the right hands it’s just about what you do once you get there. As a songwriter it is hard to get a major publisher to pick up my songs but this could be a positive for an unknown writer like myself, being that once picked up by a publisher you instantly lose 50 percent of your profits. But if you become your own publisher you will keep more than half of the profits it will take more work and resources to get that but it is worth it with all the resources the internet provides today. 


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