Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Never Say Never

Last weekend, I was one of many who went and watched the Justin Bieber movie. I was actually surprised by the way the movie was put together. I mean I'm not a Justin Bieber fanatic but I do admire the kid’s talent. Watching the movie opened my eyes to a lot of things, I now know the struggles and adversities he overcame to become who he is today. Not only that, but watching the movie gave me new inspiration to pursue my dreams. Bieber was discovered on Youtube but was over looked because the music industry claimed they did not have a "platform," for him. He eventually hustled is way into the industry and the rest is history. The movie inspired me because it showed me that the award does not always go to the most talent person but to the person who works the hardest. Some of you guys out there may be thinking, now come on Brittney you are an adult talking about a teenybopper. But those of you with that type of mind frame are the same ones who will be in that exact spot next year and years after watching me on your television. The moral of the story is to utilize every opportunity to bring you closer to your destiny. You see by watching Justin Bieber's movie it showed me some steps I can take to reach my goals. It also showed me that there is room for me in the industry but it will not be giving to me. A wise man once told me, you have to go through a lot of No's before you get to that one Yes. Not everybody will like you or except you but if you keep fighting you will find that one person that does. stated in a report that, "Bieber is the first teen idol to rise to superstar prominence so ably aided and abetted by social networking." The power is in your hands with Youtube, Facebook and all the other social networks. Record labels denied Bieber, they said he would not be a great entertainer but "never say never," the social networks are here.

By: Brittney C. Boston


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