The trial for Michael Jackson’s death has begun. As, you may know by now Dr. Conrad Murray is on trial facing charges of involuntary manslaughter. Murray was accused of giving Michael Jackson the lethal dosage that killed him. According to Yahoo music, the preliminary trial began on January 4, 2011 were a coroner investigator took the stand testifying about the 12 bottles of anesthetics he found in Jackson’s bedroom. Jackson’s doctor Murray took the stand and pleaded not guilty, his defense is that Michael Jackson killed himself. A little light surrounding the trial is the new game Xbox and Nintendo has distributed entitled Michael Jackson experience where user can portray Michael’s best moves. The game is a dance a-long heart throbbing replica of Michael Jackson performances. Since Michaels passing several sources such as among others are reporting that Michael Jackson is worth more dead than alive. With Sony set to release up to ten new albums for Jackson in the next several years and other items like Jackson Mansion being put up for sale, Jackson is set to rank up billions of dollars. This of course doesn’t make it any easier for Jackson parents Katherine and Joe who both stood by and watched prosecutor cross- examine alleged murder of their son Dr. Conrad Murray. From the looks of things this will be a long drawn out trial that hopefully end with justice being served. Michael legacy will forever live on just as Elvis and other great musicians. His money will also forever live on which is evident with all the new productions and monetary things of value he has left behind and that people are creating. The trial alone is also set to create great financial splurges for the Jackson pioneer with potential book deals, movies, media coverage and etc.
By: Brittney Boston