Friday, November 12, 2010

Planning and Execution

The vocal point leaders in the music industry focus on during an industry project such as the creation of an album are essentially planning and execution according to author Peter Ducker. The article entitled “Management In the Music Industry,” goes in depth about what is needed to succeed with long and short-term projects in the music industry in regards to the management of artist and products. Recently, Ducker and his management developed an album for one of their rock groups. Ducker says that every part from budgeting to customer satisfaction is important but says neither of those key aspects will prosper without planning followed by execution.  A quote from Peter Ducker states," long- range planning is necessary precisely because we cannot forecast." My translation of that statement is planning should be thoroughly done just in case things don't go according to plan A or B. According to the article how well you execute (sales, marketing) reflects your planning. So, execution will impact all elements in your project and that will determine how will the planning was done. In order to successfully execute you must strategize efficiently so that value of what you are producing and its creativity is available. Strategizing is something that Ducker and his team rely on heavily while planning. But, the key words are planning and execution the two things Ducker feels are vital in the completion of a successful industry project. Furthermore, the article says how important planning is for the marketing strategy. As you can see planning is involved in each step, especially marketing because you want to market your product or artist to the appropriate audience otherwise you won’t get the response expected and money and value will began to decrease. Again, your planning reflects your execution in the long run, because you have to plan what market, what audience and when the project should be dropped to successfully execute all points discussed in planning. Research should be constantly done during planning and execute says Ducker. In the music industry technology is often changing and that can affect your execution because a method you used in the past that was successful may no longer be an option. For example, years ago before the Internet music could only be purchase on albums or cassettes which made it easier to sell because you could only buy it from the store. Now, in this modern day where the Internet is the main outlet for distribution of music, the planning has to be on target for the artist to sell his/her music successfully. Otherwise, little to no money will be gain from the album which results in your execute. So, this is why planning and execution are the leading factors to a successful production in the music industry.